About one, Tomo Chachi, his nephew, Thleeanouhee, his wife Sinauky, with two more women, and two or three Indian children, came on board. As soon as we came in, they all rose and shook us by the hand; and Tomo Chachi (one Mr. Musgrove interpreted) spoke as follows:
“I am glad you are come. When I was in England, I desired that some would speak the great Word to me and my nation then desired to hear it; but now we are all in confusion. Yet I am glad you are come. I will go up and speak to the wise men of our nation; and I hope they will hear. But we would not be made Christians as the Spaniards make Christians: we would be taught, before we are baptized."
I answered, “There Is but One, He that sitteth in heaven, who is able to teach man wisdom. Though we are come so far, we know not whether He will please to teach you by us or no. If He teaches you, you will learn wisdom, but we can do nothing.” We then withdrew.
Dear Mr. Wesley, I do so appreciate the pictures, it maketh your journal more readable for this day and age. I am glad thou didst speak with Tomo Chachi and others.
Thank you for coming to the US. I have been to as close as one can get now to your landing site. Please do write more.
"All wisdom comes from the Lord and with him it remains forever.
The sand of the seashore, the drops of rain, the days of eternity: who can number these?
Before all things else wisdom was created; and prudent understanding, from eternity.
To whom has wisdom's root been revealed? Who knows her subtleties?
There is but one, wise and truly awe-inspiring, seated upon his throne:
It is the Lord; he created her, has seen and taken note of her. He has pourd her forth upon all his works, upon every living thing according to his bounty; he has lavished her upon his friends."
(Sirach 1:1-8)
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